10 of the best sweet apple varieties to grow in your garden

In the lush landscapes of the United Kingdom, cultivating a fruitful garden is a rewarding endeavour. When it comes to apple orchards, choosing the right varieties is essential for a bountiful harvest. This article explores 10 of the best sweet apple varieties to grow in your garden, perfectly suited for UK gardens, ensuring a delightful mix of flavours for every palate.

Honeycrisp (Malus domestica ‘Honeycrisp’):
honeycrisp apple, 10 of the best sweet apple varieties to grow in your garden

Known for its exceptional sweetness and crisp texture, the Honeycrisp apple thrives in the UK’s temperate climate. Its balanced sweetness makes it a favourite for both snacking and baking, making it a versatile addition to any orchard.

Egremont Russet (Malus domestica ‘Egremont Russet’):
egremont russet

This classic British variety boasts a rich, nutty flavour and a distinctive russeted skin. Egremont Russet apples are perfect for cider making and have a unique taste that sets them apart from other sweeter varieties.

Katy (Malus domestica ‘Katy’):
katy variety

Also known as the Katja apple, this early-season gem offers a sweet and tangy flavour. Its compact size makes it an ideal choice for smaller gardens, and its resistance to common diseases ensures a healthy crop.

Braeburn (Malus domestica ‘Braeburn’):
braeburn apple, 10 of the best sweet apple varieties to grow in your garden

Originating from New Zealand, the Braeburn apple has become a global favourite, including the UK. Its sweet and slightly tart taste, along with a firm texture, makes it excellent for eating fresh or incorporating into desserts.

Cox’s Orange Pippin (Malus domestica ‘Cox’s Orange Pippin’):
cox's orange pippin

Renowned for its aromatic and complex flavour profile, Cox’s Orange Pippin is a traditional English apple variety. Its sweet, tangy taste makes it a top choice for eating fresh, while its juiciness adds depth to apple-based recipes.

Discovery (Malus domestica ‘Discovery’):
discovery apple

For those seeking an early harvest, the Discovery apple is a delightful choice. With a vibrant red colour and a sweet, juicy taste, this variety is perfect for late summer snacking and adds a burst of flavour to salads.

Jazz (Malus domestica ‘Jazz’):
jazz apple, 10 of the best sweet apple varieties to grow in your garden

A cross between the Royal Gala and Braeburn, Jazz apples offer a perfect blend of sweetness and crunch. These apples are not only delicious but also visually appealing with their striking red and yellow stripes.

Falstaff (Malus domestica ‘Falstaff’):
falstaff apple

Known for its high sugar content, the Falstaff apple is a late-season variety that ripens in October. Its sweetness intensifies as it matures, making it an excellent choice for those who prefer a sweeter apple later in the season.

Worcester Pearmain (Malus domestica ‘Worcester Pearmain’):
worcester permain, 10 of the best sweet apple varieties to grow in your garden

This heirloom variety has been a favourite in the UK since the late 19th century. Worcester Pearmain apples are sweet and aromatic, perfect for enjoying fresh or incorporating into jams and jellies.

Scrumptious (Malus domestica ‘Scrumptious’):
scrumptious apple variety

Living up to its name, the Scrumptious apple offers a perfect balance of sweetness and acidity. With a vibrant red colour and a juicy texture, this modern variety is a fantastic addition to any UK garden.


Cultivating a diverse collection of apple varieties in your UK garden ensures a season-long supply of sweet, crisp fruits. Whether you prefer the classic taste of Cox’s Orange Pippin or the modern appeal of Jazz apples, these varieties are well-suited to the UK climate. As you embark on your apple-growing journey, consider the unique flavours and characteristics each variety brings, and enjoy the sweet rewards of a thriving orchard in your own backyard with these 10 of the best sweet apple varieties to grow in your garden.





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