The sight of a hummingbird hawk-moth gracefully hovering over vibrant flowers is a rare and delightful sight in UK gardens. Despite its name, the hummingbird hawk-moth is not a hummingbird but an insect with similar characteristics. These fascinating creatures are known for their swift and agile flight, which closely resembles that of hummingbirds. It’s the next best thing as in the UK hummingbirds do not exist. If you want to witness these charming visitors in your garden, you can take certain steps to attract them. Creating a nectar-rich oasis with suitable plants and providing the right environment will invite these amazing moths to pay your garden a visit. This article will go through some steps on how to attract the Hummingbird Hawk-Moth to your garden.
Understanding the Hummingbird Hawk-Moth
The hummingbird hawk-moth (Macroglossum stellatarum) is a species of day-flying moth found in the UK and other parts of Europe. Its wings beat rapidly, allowing it to hover in front of flowers while feeding on nectar. The moth’s appearance is often mistaken for a hummingbird due to its size, flight patterns, and long proboscis that it uses to reach the nectar deep inside flowers.
Plant Selection
To attract hummingbird hawk-moths to your garden, it is essential to cultivate a diverse range of nectar-rich flowers that cater to their preferences. Go for plants that have tubular-shaped flowers, as these are easier for the moths to access with their long proboscis. Some excellent choices include:
a. Buddleia (Butterfly Bush): Known for its sweet-scented, colourful flowers, buddleia is a magnet for various pollinators, including hummingbird hawk-moths.

b. Lavender: Its aromatic, purple blooms are highly attractive to hummingbird hawk-moths and numerous other pollinators.

c. Honeysuckle: With its long, tubular flowers, honeysuckle provides a perfect feeding station for these moths.

d. Red Valerian (Centranthus ruber): This plant produces clusters of small, bright flowers that draw hummingbird hawk-moths like a magnet.

e. Salvia: The tall spikes of salvia flowers are rich in nectar, making them a favourite among many pollinators, including the hummingbird hawk-moth.

Garden Design and Layout
To create an appealing environment for hummingbird hawk-moths, consider the layout of your garden. Grouping nectar-rich plants together in clusters will make it easier for the moths to locate their preferred food sources. Plant the taller varieties towards the back and shorter ones in the front, allowing for easy visibility and access.
Additionally, providing some sheltered areas, such as shrubs or trellises, will create a safe and calm space where the moths can rest and avoid strong winds. Having some open sunny spots is equally crucial as these moths thrive in warm climates.
Avoid Pesticides
Using pesticides in your garden can be harmful not only to hummingbird hawk-moths but also to other beneficial insects. Pesticides can disrupt the ecological balance and significantly reduce the number of pollinators. Instead, opt for natural pest control methods such as introducing beneficial insects or hand-picking pests when necessary.
Keep Water Sources
Just like any other living being, moths need access to water. Providing a shallow water dish with pebbles or rocks for them to perch on will attract and hydrate these incredible creatures.
Night-Blooming Plants
Although hummingbird hawk-moths are primarily active during the day, they may also be attracted to certain night-blooming plants like evening primrose and night-scented stock. Including a few of these plants in your garden can increase the chances of spotting these moths during twilight hours.
Creating a welcoming habitat for hummingbird hawk-moths in your UK garden is a rewarding and educational endeavour. By selecting the right plants, designing a suitable layout, and avoiding harmful pesticides, you can attract these charming creatures and contribute to the conservation of these vital pollinators. Embrace the wonder of nature in your own backyard and enjoy the enchanting dance of the hummingbird hawk-moth as it hovers among the blossoms, adding a touch of magic to your outdoor sanctuary.
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